Friday, 28 April 2017

Pluto Effects

Case Study SG # 127
Pluto Effects

This chart was referred 10 years back. The birth details are as follows: 25 August 1975; 15-15 PM; Kurla/Mumbai; 19N05; 72E53.

 He was under Venus dasa signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (8)   (6) 11     Sun-Yuti  (8)   9  Mars-Drusht  (5)   5 (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (5)      Rashi-Swami Venus (8)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 9   7 10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (8)   9     Venus-Yuti  (8)   (6) 11

Venus signifies 6th house along with 5-8-12 houses. He was in partnership business.
 In the chart Moon aspect Pluto and thus Mercury period was afflicted by Pluto which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 9   7 10  
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (8)   9     Venus-Yuti  (8)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (5)   5 (12)  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (3)   8  Cusp Yuti: (4)   aspect (10)

Mercury signifies 5-8-12 houses and also afflicted by Pluto. So I have indicated him that this period (Nov 2014 to Sept 2017) will be bad for you. You will suffer heavy losses in business.

During Aug 2016 Saturn was transiting over Natal Neptune created problems in his life.

One lady made a false complaint and native got arrested and kept in custody. The lawyer was unable to release him from jail.

 During Sept 2016 his father approached me and during this period Rahu antara was in progress which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (11)      Rashi-Swami Mars (5)   5 (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (4)   (1) 4     Saturn-Drusht  (7)   (2) 3
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (11)      Rashi-Swami Mars (5)   5 (12)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (4)   (1) 4     Saturn-Drusht  (7)   (2) 3

Rahu signifies 4-11-2 houses indicate release from jail and the period is up to Nov 2016.

 I have indicated this period to him but I was not sure about this period as ascendant is of dual sign.

 Next period of Jupiter signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 4   1 4     Saturn-Drusht  7  2 3
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (5)      Rashi-Swami Venus (8)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (8)   (6) 11     Sun-Yuti  (8)   9  Mars-Drusht  (5)   5 (12)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (5)      Rashi-Swami Venus (8)   (6) 11

Jupiter is not favorable for release.

 Next antara signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (7)   (2) 3  
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (7)   (2) 3  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (7)   (2) 3  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (7)   (2) 3  

Saturn signifies 2nd house and will be helpful for native.

 Recently his father approached me. Rahu and Jupiter antara couldn’t give positive result.

 Now Rahu sookshma will be helpful for release and the period is during Aug 2017. I hope he will be released in this period.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Case Study SG # 126
Investment in Shares of Havels

One of the investor in share market is willing to invest in above company shares. He wants to know whether it will be profitable if invested in above shares.

 This was judged on 25 April 2017; 10-49-44 AM; Thane; 19N12; 72E58. KP Number generated 17. The price quoted is about Rs 485.

In the horary chart 5th sub and 12th sub is Mercury signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 12   3 6  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (10)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   10 11  Saturn-Drusht  (8)   10 11
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (11)   (2) (7)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (8)   10 11 

Mercury signifies 2-10-11 houses indicate good gain from above share during short term as well as for long term.

 Mercury/Moon period is up to 15 May 2017.

Moon signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 12   4     Jupiter-Drusht  6  9 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (12)   (3) 6  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 12   4     Jupiter-Drusht  6  9 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (12)   (3) 6  

Moon signifies 3rd house which is favorable but signification of 12th house indicate downfall or fluctuations till bhukti ends.

 Next bhukti signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- 1   1 8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (12)   (5)  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (11)   (2) (7)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (8)   10 11  

Mars signifies 2-11 houses indicate that the price of shares will be up but 5-8 houses restrict the upper ward movements.

 In the chart Jupiter signifies 6th house for to complete the chain as signifies below:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (6)   (9) 12     Moon-Drusht  (12)   4
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (12)   4     Jupiter-Drusht  (6)   (9) 12
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (11)   (2) (7)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (8)   10 11 

Jupiter signifies 2-6-11 houses and the period is from Aug 2017 to 16 Sept 2017.

The price of the share will be at higher level during above period.

Let’s watch it.

Disclaimer: This is not the advice for to buy but to check astrological effects in share market. The writer will not be responsible for any loss occurred due to this post.

Job when

Case Study SG # 125
Job when?

Male native: 13Dec 1957; 07-23 AM; Pune; 18N32; 73E52.

 His query was when he will get the job and it was judged on 19 March 2016; 11-22 AM at Thane.

 When he asked this query during his retirement age hence I asked him whether you will get any job at this age and he confirmed that it may be late but I may get job provided planets helps me.

I have not checked 10th sub as he has done jobs previously.

 He was under Rahu dasa which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (11)      Rashi-Swami Venus (2)   (6) 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (11)      Rashi-Swami Venus (2)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- 5     Cusp Yuti: (5)      Rashi-Swami Mars 11   5 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (2)   (6) 11  

Rahu signifies 2-6-11 houses indicate that his financial position will not be disturbed.

He was under Sun bhukti till Nov 2016 which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- (12)   9     Saturn-Yuti  (12)   2 (3)
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (1)   (7) 10  
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 10   1 4  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (11)   5 12  

Sun signifies 1-11 houses are favorable to get the job.

 Rahu/Jupiter/Saturn/Mercury antara are favorable to get the job.

 Due to dual sign ascendant I have selected Mercury period which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 1   7 10  
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (2)   (6) 11  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- 11   5 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (10)   1 (4)  

Mercury signifies 2-6-10 houses and the period is from Aug to Sept 2016.

 I have checked transit of dasa swami.

 Dasa swami Rahu was favorable during this period. Bhukti lord Sun transit was in Saturn star and Saturn was retrograde. Next Sun will transit in Mercury star which was also retrograde. Sun transit in Ketu star is favorable but antara lord Mercury transit was not favorable.

 Hence Rahu/Sun/Mercury period will not able to give him job. Due to this fact I have skipped Sun bhukti and checked next bhukti which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 9   8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (5)      Rashi-Swami Mars (11)   5 12
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 1   7 10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (2)   (6) 11  

Moon signifies 2-6-11 houses.

Rahu antara selected as it signifies 2-6-11 houses. The period is from Feb to May 2017.
Saturn or Mercury sookshma will be favorable to complete the chain hence I have predicted that you will get the job during March 2017.

Recently he informed me that he got the job in March 2017.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Monday, 24 April 2017

Termination or Resignation

Case Study SG # 124
What decision should I take?

One of our members asked me above query. His one employee was working very erratically and thus he wants to take decision whether person is to be terminated or to ask him to give resignation.

This was judged on 17 April 2017; 17-59-08 PM; Thane. KP Number generated 40.

 For to check this query I have decided to check 3rd which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 5   8 11  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (7)   3  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 11   4  
It's Sub's N.Swami :--Ketu:- (9)Rashi-Swami Saturn (7) 9 10  Saturn-Drusht  (7)9 10

Jupiter is in star of Moon and it has connection with Saturn so termination was not advisable as presence of Mars was not found.

7TH house is represented by his employee and his 10th house is indicated by 4th house which is signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (10)   (1) (6)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (5)   (8) 11  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Sun (11)   (4)  Mars-Drusht  (12)   7 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (9)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (7)   9 10  Saturn-Drusht  (7)   9 10

Venus signifies 1-3-5-9 houses from 7th house indicate that person will opt for resign.

So I predicted that the person will resign from company and thus wait till when Moon will transit in Mars star which will be on 21st April 2017.

 Our member congratulated me and given feedback that the person has resigned on same date which you have predicted.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Monday, 17 April 2017

Love Marriage

Case Study SG # 123
Is my chart indicates love marriage?

One female native asked me above query when she visited in my office. Her mother has shown her chart to astrologer and he said that there are no chances of love marriage in the chart. So she wanted to know whether there is love marriage in the chart or not?

 The birth details are as follows: 17 Oct 1989; 10-57 AM; Ghatkopar/Mumbai; 19N05; 72E54.

 In the chart 7th sub is Saturn but this was judged when ascendant was of Kanya. But Mercury sub will not be possible due to change of sign.
Saturn was also in RP but I have given priority to Jupiter as it was in ascendant at the time of judgment. Thus Jupiter signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (7)   2 (4)     Saturn-Drusht  (1)   (3)
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (2)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (1)   (3)
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 12   6 7 11  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (1)   (3)     Jupiter-Drusht  (7)   2 (4)

Jupiter is in star of Rahu indicates love marriage and signifies 2-7 houses.

In the chart Jupiter and Saturn are afflicted by Neptune which indicates delay.

She was under Rahu/Saturn period till June 2017 which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 2       Rashi-Swami Saturn 1   3
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (10)   1 5 12  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 1   3     Jupiter-Drusht  7  2 4
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (12)   (6) 7 (11)  

Rahu signifies 11th house.

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 1   3     Jupiter-Drusht  7  2 4
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (12)   (6) 7 (11)  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 12   6 7 11  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (1)   (3)     Jupiter-Drusht  (7)   2 (4)

Saturn signifies 7-11 houses.

 Jupiter antara was in progress and it signifies 2-7 houses so marriage possibility will be up to June 2017.

I predicted that you will get married before June 2017 and it will be love marriage.

 She was happy with my prediction but she added that she got married during Nov 2015 but it was not registered and she is staying away from partner after marriage and now willing to live united.

 I selected Ketu sookshma and period will be during April 2017.

Couple also planned to live united from May 2017.

Will Neptune effects affect her life?

Your comments are welcome!!!

Friday, 14 April 2017

Job when

Case Study SG # 122
Job when

Mother of this male native approached me to know about above query.

 The birth details are as follows: 06 June 1990; 18-26 PM; Kalwa/Thane; 19N12; 72E59.

 He was under Mercury dasa which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (6)   8 (11)     Moon-Drusht  (12)   9
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (7)   (10)  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  

Mercury signifies 1-2-6-10-11 houses indicate getting the job.

 Venus bhukti was in progress till Aug 2018 which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)   
Venus signifies 6th house which is favorable to get job. 5th house indicate instability in job.

During judgment (7May 2016) Sun antara was up to 10 May 2016 hence skipped. 

Next Moon and Mars antara signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 12   9     Mercury-Drusht  6  8 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (8)   2 5  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  

Moon signifies 1 and 2nd house

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 7   10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (12)   9     Mercury-Drusht  (6)   8 (11)

Mars signifies 1-2-6-11 houses hence Mars antara will be favorable to get the job. 

The period is from 8 Aug 2016 to Oct 2016.

 So I predicted that you will get job during Aug/Sept 2016.

 Recently he again visited to me for another query and informed that he joined the job on 1st Aug 2016.

Now he desires to change the job. I have replied his query.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Pluto Effects

Case Study SG # 121
Pluto Effects

The data of this case is collected from one Marathi magazine. The data given in magazine is checked by 4 step theory.

The birth details of female native are as follows: 23 August 1987; 10-45 AM; Mumbai; 18N58; 72E49.

Moon is in 10th house in own sign hence she is in catering business but as per KP 10th sub Mercury signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 11   9 12  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Mars-Yuti  10  2 7  Sun-Yuti  10  11  Venus-Yuti  10  1 8  Jupiter-Drusht  6  3 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (12)    Cusp Yuti: (12)Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   (9) 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (10)   10  
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (6)   (3) 6  Cusp Yuti: (7)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (12) Cusp Yuti: (12)Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   (9) 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (10)   10  

Mercury is in Ketu star and Ketu is in Moon star indicates catering business.

 Native started business in Ketu dasa which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- 12     Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Mercury 11   9 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (10)   10  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 10   10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (11)   (9) 12  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Mars-Yuti  (10)   2 (7)  Sun-Yuti  (10)   11  Venus-Yuti  (10)   (1) (8)  Jupiter-Drusht  (6)   (3) 6

Ketu signifies 10-11-6 houses with 7th house indicate good growth in business but Ketu has evil aspect of 35 degree with Pluto. Also Sun formed evil aspect of 68 degree with Pluto. Hence she faces losses in business.

 Current dasa of Venus signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (10)   (1) (8)  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Mars-Yuti  (10)   2 (7)  Mercury-Yuti  (11)   (9) 12  Sun-Yuti  (10)   11  Jupiter-Drusht  (6)   (3) 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (12)    Cusp Yuti: (12) Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   (9) 12
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (6)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (6)   (3) 6  Mars-Drusht  (10)   2 (7)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   (4) (5)  

Here Sun and Ketu are afflicted by Pluto also Saturn formed evil aspect of 37 degree with Pluto. Significations of 1-5-8-12 houses are also not favorable for gains. She continued losses during Venus dasa.

 As per vedic Saturn is Yogakaraka planet who aspect 11th house will be favorable at the age of 36.

 But as per our rules she will face losses or will discontinue business.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Thursday, 13 April 2017


Case Study SG # 120

The data of this male native is collected from one Marathi magazine.

The birth details are as follows: 20 April 1932; 10-00 AM Local Time; Wai/Satara; 17N56; 63E54.

 In the chart 10th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (8)   8 9  Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)   2  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- 10   6 11     Mercury-Yuti  10  1 4  Jupiter-Drusht  2  7 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (10)   (1) 4     Mars-Yuti  (10)   (6) (11)  Jupiter-Drusht  (2)   (7) 10

Saturn is karaka for service and in star of Moon and Saturn connected to Mercury indicate govt. service.

 During graduation he was under Rahu dasa signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (9)    Cusp Yuti: (10)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (2)   (7) 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (2)   (7) 10  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (9)    Cusp Yuti: (10)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (2)   (7) 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (2)   (7) 10  

Rahu signifies 2-10 houses which are favorable to get the job.

 He was under Sun bhukti during completion of graduation which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 10   3  Cusp Yuti: (11)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (4)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (10)   (1) 4
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (9)    Cusp Yuti: (10)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (2)   (7) 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (2)   (7) 10  

Sun signifies 2-10-11 houses.
 For to complete the chain we need presence of 6th house which is signified by many houses. In such cases nodes gives the result so in this case Ketu or 10th cuspal sub lord will give the result. 
The native got the job in Saturn antara on 01 April 1952.

 In the chart 7th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (10)   (1) 4     Mars-Yuti  (10)   (6) (11)  Jupiter-Drusht  (2)   (7) 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (10)   (1) 4     Mars-Yuti  (10)   (6) (11)  Jupiter-Drusht  (2)   (7) 10
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (12)   (5) 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   2  

Mercury signifies 2-7-11-5 houses indicate marriage.

 Mercury is conjunct with Mars. Also Saturn is in star of Moon indicate delay in marriage.

 During marriageable period Jupiter dasa was in progress which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 2   7 10  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (10)   (1) 4     Mars-Yuti  (10)   (6) (11)  Jupiter-Drusht  (2)   (7) 10
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (12)   (5) 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   2  

Jupiter signifies 2-7-11-5 houses.

 Ketu bhukti was upto age of 31 years but due to delay and dual ascendant karaka Venus offered him marriage which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (12)   (5) 12  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)   2  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 10   3  Cusp Yuti: (11)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (4)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (10)   (1) 4

Venus signifies 5-11 houses. 

Now we have to select antara. In the chart signification of 2-7-11 houses are shown by many planets hence in such cases nodes gives the results so Rahu may offer marriage which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (9)    Cusp Yuti: (10)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (2)   (7) 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (2)   (7) 10  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (9)    Cusp Yuti: (10)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (2)   (7) 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (2)   (7) 10  

Rahu signifies 2-7 houses and native got married on 24 May 1964 during Jupiter/Venus/Rahu period.

 In the chart major planets signifies 10-11 houses indicate good carrier growth. Lord of 10th house is in second house in uchha sign and he is in star of Mercury who is deposited in 10th house hence native will get promotions in his carrier.

Saturn dasa started during 1971 when he was about 40 years old which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (8)   8 9  Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)   2  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- 10   6 11     Mercury-Yuti  10  1 4  Jupiter-Drusht  2  7 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (10)   (1) 4     Mars-Yuti  (10)   (6) (11)  Jupiter-Drusht  (2)   (7) 10

Saturn signifies 2-6-10-11 house with connection of Mars indicate promotions in this dasa.

Also vedic aspect of Jupiter is on dasa swami favors his luck factor.

 He got promotions in Mercury bhukti during 1975 and in Moon bhukti during 1983 as both planets are connected with Mars and 2-6-10-11 houses.

In the chart 1st sub is Mercury which is seen earlier signifies 1-10-4-5 houses indicate good longevity.

Mercury is karaka for astrology and signifies 12th house hence he is an astrologer conducting classes.

I wish him good longevity.

 Your comments are welcome!!!