Monday, 26 June 2017

Neptune/Pluto Effects

Case Study SG # 150
Neptune/Pluto Effects

This case is post analysis and posted by Mr. Ashish.

 The birth details of male native are as follows: 20 Dec 1986; 13-10PM; Delhi.

In the chart 7th sub is Venus signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (7)   (3) 8     Jupiter-Drusht  (12)   1 (10)
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (12)   1 (10)     Mars-Yuti  (12)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (12)   1 (10)     Mars-Yuti  (12)   (2) 9
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (12)   1 (10)     Mars-Yuti  (12)   (2) 9

Venus signifies 2-7 houses indicate marriage but it is not connected to dual sign but native had remarried.

 In many cases this cuspal sub lord is required to be confirmed with help of RP. When I have judged this chart Sun was in RP so check it signification as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- (9)   (6)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (7)    Cusp Yuti: (7)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (8)   (4) 7  Mars-Drusht  (12)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- (5)   5  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (8)   (4) 7  Cusp Yuti: (9)  Saturn-Yuti  (8)   (11) 12

Sun signifies 2-5-7-8-11 houses and also Sun and Ketu both are in dual sign. Mercury and Saturn are in conjunction and formed evil aspect of 36 degree with Pluto indicates unhappy married life.

 He was under Venus dasa during marriageable period and signification of 2-7 houses is seen earlier. Here again Jupiter and Mars formed evil aspect of 71 degree with Neptune and dasa also signifies 12-10-3 houses which are favorable to divorce also.

 Now let us check his first marriage period.

Venus/Venus period is up to Feb 2012.

Now we have to choose antara.

In the chart Sun/Saturn and Mercury signifies 2-7-11 house and due to dual sign ascendant we can choose Mercury which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (8)   (4) 7  Cusp Yuti: (9)       Saturn-Yuti  (8)   (11) 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (8)   (4) 7  Cusp Yuti: (9)       Saturn-Yuti  (8)   (11) 12
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (9)   (6)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (7)    Cusp Yuti: (7)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (8)   (4) 7  Mars-Drusht  (12)   (2) 9

The period is from June to Dec 2011 and he got married on 28 Nov 2011.

 Since cuspal sub lord indicate unhappy married life let us check when he got divorce.
 In the chart Mars is in star of Jupiter and also signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- 12   2 9     Jupiter-Yuti  12  1 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (12)   1 (10)     Mars-Yuti  (12)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (8)   (11) 12  Cusp Yuti: (9)       Mercury-Yuti  (8)   (4) 7
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (8)   (4) 7  Cusp Yuti: (9)  Saturn-Yuti  (8)   (11) 12

Mars signifies 12-10-9-4-3 houses hence it will give him divorce and period will be during Oct to Dec 2014.

 Now let us find out when he got remarried.

 In the chart Rahu also signifies major supportive houses for marriage as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (1)    Cusp Yuti: (1)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (12)   1 (10)
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (8)   (4) 7  Cusp Yuti: (9)       Saturn-Yuti  (8)   (11) 12
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- 12   2 9     Jupiter-Yuti  12  1 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (12)   1 (10)     Mars-Yuti  (12)   (2) 9

Rahu signifies 2-8-11 houses and 7th by aspect.
Saturn or Mercury antara can be chosen so during Jan 2017 native must have got remarried.

 The period of divorce and remarriage is not known to me and Mr Ashish may throw the light on it.

I have attempted to check this blind chart and hope I may hit bull’s eye.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Saturn Transit over Neptune

Case Study SG # 149
Saturn Transit over Natal Neptune

Last year this male native approached me to know about change in job.

The birth details are as follows: 22 Jan 1982; 00-58 AM; Roha/Maharashtra; 18N26; 73E07.

He was under Moon/Rahu period from April 2016 to Oct 2017 signifies as follows: 

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 2   10     Saturn-Drusht  12  4 5
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (1)   3 (6)
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Jupiter 1   3 6
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (3)   (11)  Cusp Yuti: (4) aspect(10)Venus-Yuti  (3)   1 (8)

Moon signifies 3rd house to change the job and 10-11 houses shows to get the job. 

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 9       Rashi-Swami Mercury 4   9 12  Saturn-Drusht  12  4 5
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (1)   3 (6)  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (3)   1 (8)  Cusp Yuti: (4)       Sun-Yuti  (3)   (11)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (3)   (11)  Cusp Yuti: (4)       Venus-Yuti  (3)   1 (8)

Rahu signifies 1-6-10-11 houses given him job during Moon/Rahu/Jupiter period.

Recently he visited my office and said that I am facing troubles in carrier.

 In the chart Neptune is in Dhanu sign at 2 degree and transit of Saturn over it created such situation.

Since Rahu bhukti signifies 1-6-10-11 houses indicate that no harm in carrier but transit of Saturn has to move till further.

 This situation will be till Dec 2017.

 Next bhukti of Jupiter indicate good growth so advised him to perform Kalash Pooja which I recommend mostly to such combination.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Delayed Marriage

Case Study SG # 148
Delayed Marriage

This is a post analysis case sent by Mr. Ashish.

Male native: 13 Jan 1981; 05-05 AM; Delhi; 28N40; 77E13.

 In the chart 7th sub is Jupiter as per noted birth time. But in RP presence of Saturn hence considered it as cuspal sublord which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (10)   (3)     Jupiter-Yuti  (10)   2 4
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)    
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (10)   (3)     Jupiter-Yuti  (10)   2 4
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   

At first glance Saturn does not signify favorable houses. But in the chart Jupiter aspect Mars thus signifies 2-5-12 houses.

Saturn is in Moon star indicate delay. Also Neptune aspect 7th cusp indicates abnormal delay.

Native was under Venus dasa during marriageable period which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (1)   (6) (7) (11)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (2)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (10)   (3)  Mars-Yuti  (2)   1 (5) (12)  Jupiter-Drusht  (10)   2 4
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (10)   2 4  Saturn-Yuti  (10)   (3) aspect Mars (2) (5) (12)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)    

Venus signifies 2-5-7-11 houses.

 Jupiter and Saturn bhukti were during marriageable period.

Jupiter signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (10)   2 4     Saturn-Yuti  (10)   (3) aspect Mars (2) (5) (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)    
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (10)   (3)  Jupiter-Yuti  (10)   2 4  aspect Mars (2) (5) (12)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   

Jupiter signifies 2-5 houses but it is not considered for two reasons.

 First due to fixed sign ascendant and second points is that in the chart Jupiter has formed evil aspect of 73 degree with Neptune.

Next bhukti is seen earlier which signifies 2-5 houses and Saturn is also cuspal sub of 7th house.

 Now we have to consider antara.

 In the chart we have seen Venus signifies 2-7-11 houses and no other planet signifies these houses so either Venus antara can be chosen but again due to dual sign ascendant effect and Neptune effect Nodes can be selected which is Rahu signify as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Moon (4)    Mars-Drusht  (2)   1 (5) (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (2)   8 10  
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 2   8 10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (1)   (9)  Cusp Yuti: (2)     aspect (8)

Rahu signifies 2-5-8 houses and the period is from 12 July 2011 onwards.

 In actual native got married on 9 July 2011.

 Special thanks to Mr. Ashish for submitting very rare case.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Friday, 23 June 2017

Cricket Match Results

Case Study SG # 147
ODI series between India and West Indies

One day series will begin from 23rd June 2017. The results of these 5 matches are predicted by one number method. KP Number generated 20. It is Judge on 23 June 2017 at 11-01-19 AM at Thane.

1st Match on 23 June 2017 and Moon will be in Mars star signifies as follows:

 Itself :-------------- Mars:- 2   1 8  Cusp Yuti: (3)    
1)    It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Sun (2)   5
2)    It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 2   4  Cusp Yuti: (2)    
3)    It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (2)   (1) 8  Cusp Yuti: (3)    

Mars signifies 1-2-3 houses indicate that India will win the match

2nd Match on 25 June 2017 and Moon will be in Saturn star signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (8)   10 (11)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (2)   (3) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (2)   5
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (8)   10 (11)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (2)   (3) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (2)   5

Saturn signifies 2-6-11 houses indicate India will win the match

3rd Match will be on 30 June 2017 and Moon will be in Moon star signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 2   4  Cusp Yuti: (2)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (2)   (1) 8  Cusp Yuti: (3)    
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 4       Rashi-Swami Sun 2   5
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (10)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   10 (11)  Saturn-Drusht  (8)   10 (11)

Moon signifies 2-10-11 houses indicate India will win the match.

4th Match will be on 2nd July 2017 and Moon will be in Rahu star which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 4       Rashi-Swami Sun 2   5
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (10)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   10 (11)  Saturn-Drusht  (8)   10 (11)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (2)   5     Mercury-Yuti  (2)   (3) (6)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Sun (2)   5

Rahu signifies 2-6-10-11 houses indicate India will win the match

5th Match will be on 6th July 2017 and Moon will be in Mercury star which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 2   3 6     Sun-Yuti  2  5
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Sun (2)   5
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (5)   (9) 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)       Mars-Drusht  (2)   (1) 8
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (2)   4  Cusp Yuti: (2)    

Mercury signifies 2-6-1-10 houses but on sub level it signifies 5-9-8 also hence match will be tough and India may loose this match.

Lets watch and Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Case Study SG # 146

Male native: 31 May 1982; 09-12 AM; Mumbai; 18N58; 72E49.

This is post audit analysis.

 The native expired in 2017 and we want to find out when.

 In the chart 1st sub is Sun but Venus is in RP hence considered as 1st sub which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 10   5 12     Mars-Drusht  3  6 11  Jupiter-Drusht  4  7 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (4)   (7) 10
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 12   Rashi-Swami Mercury 11   1 4  Saturn-Drusht  3  8 9
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (4)   (7) 10     Venus-Drusht  (10)   (5) 12
Venus signifies 6-7 houses with 10-5 houses indicate medium life.

 During 2017 native was under Rahu/Venus period till July 2017 and signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 12       Rashi-Swami Mercury 11   1 4  Saturn-Drusht  3  8 9
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (4)   (7) 10     Venus-Drusht  (10)   (5) 12
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 4   7 10     Venus-Drusht  10  5 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   (1) 4  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   (8) (9)

Rahu signifies 4-7-12-8 houses and my observation for dual sign ascendant 9th house works as badhaka house.

Venus signification seen earlier as 1st sub and signifies 6-4-7-10 houses which shows danger to life. Also Rahu aspect by Saturn-the death karaka planet.

Mercury and Ketu antara was in progress and Ketu antara chosen due to dual sign ascendant which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- 6       Rashi-Swami Jupiter 4   7 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (10)   (5) 12     Mars-Drusht  (3)   6 11  Jupiter-Drusht  (4)   (7) 10
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 4   7 10     Venus-Drusht  10  5 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   (1) 4  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   (8) (9)

Ketu signifies 10-4-7-8-9-12 houses.

 2nd the maraka house is present in Sun signification as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 11   3     Mercury-Yuti  11  1 4
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (3)   (2)  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (3)   (8) (9)  Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (3)   (2)  

Sun signifies 2-8-4-9 houses and the period is from 6 to 9 June 2017.

In the chart 8th sub is Rahu but Mars is in RP which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (3)   6 11  
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (11)   3     Mercury-Yuti  (11)   (1) 4
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 10   5 12     Mars-Drusht  3  6 11  Jupiter-Drusht  4  7 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (4)   (7) 10

Mars is in star of Sun which indicates heart and Mars indicate severe condition hence native expired on 8 June 2017 by severe heart attack and couldn’t get medical help also.

While referring to readers I found that bhukti lord Venus is in Mesha sign- Ketu star-Rahu sub indicate fear from black magic. Native might have victim of black magic.

I pray god to rest his soul in peace.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Love Marriage

Case Study SG # 145
Love marriage

The relative of this female native show me her chart.

 The birth details are as follows: 18 May 1991; 00-50 AM; Mumbai; 18N58; 72E49.

 The native had love with inter caste person and she is going to marry in Nov 2017 with him. So how will be her married life?

In the chart 7th sub is Jupiter but since birth is at night hence we check Rahu/Jupiter/Saturn sub as these all were found in RP and Rahu has more weight age in RP.

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 12     Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter 6   2 11 12  Mars-Drusht  6  3 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 5   7  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (6)   2 (11) 12     Saturn-Drusht  (12)   (1)

Rahu signifies 11th house but not signifies 5 or 9 th house.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 6   2 11 12     Saturn-Drusht  12  1
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (12)   (1)     Jupiter-Drusht  (6)   2 (11) 12
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 12     Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter 6   2 11 12  Mars-Drusht  6  3 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (4)   
Jupiter signifies 12-4-3-10 houses on 3-4th step and it doesn’t indicate love marriage.

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 12   1     Jupiter-Drusht  6  2 11 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (5)   (7)  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 12     Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter 6   2 11 12  Mars-Drusht  6  3 10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (4)    

Saturn signifies 5-7 houses on star level but signifies 4-10-12 houses on sub level. 3rd house is not totally negative for marriage. Saturn is also in sub of Rahu indicates inter caste marriage. So Saturn may be 7th sub lord but 12-4-10 houses indicate unhappy married life.

 She is under Saturn/Rahu period from May 2017.

Saturn signifies 5-7-3 houses and Rahu signifies 11th house.

 During Nov 2017 she will be under Jupiter antara till March 2018.

Jupiter signifies 11-3 houses.

 In the chart 2nd houses is represented by Mercury only and its sookshma period will be during Dec 2017.

 But dasa bhukti and cuspal sub are indicating unhappy married life due to signification of 6-10-12 houses.

 Family members of native are not happy with the proposal.

Now I request you to give your opinion whether marriage will be celebrated or not.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Saturn transit over Neptune

Case Study SG # 144
Saturn transit over Neptune

The birth details of male native are as follows: 10 May 1981; 23-40 PM; Mumbai; 18N58; 72E49.

This native had his business with joint family.

 From Jan 2017 family members were ignoring him from business and started behaving in a very strange manner.

 He is under Sun dasa signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 4   8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (4)   5 (10)     Jupiter-Drusht  (8)   (3) (12)
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 (2)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (7)   7  

Sun signifies 8-12 houses indicate troubles but 1-2-10 houses indicate business.

Rahu bhukti is from Aug 2016 to July 2017 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (7)      Rashi-Swami Moon (7)   7
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (8)   1 (2)  Cusp Yuti: (9)       Jupiter-Yuti  (8)   (3) (12)
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (4)   4 (11)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (4)   5 (10)     Jupiter-Drusht  (8)   (3) (12)

Rahu is a blemish planet and signifies 4-8-12 houses. So period will be bad till July 2017.

 But in the chart Neptune is in Dhanu sign at 00-51 degree.

Transit of Saturn in Dhanu sign started during Jan 2017 and due to its retrograde and then direct progress will be till Dec 2017.

Native wants to start his own business but due to above planetary condition I have advised him to not to take any decision till Dec 2017.

 Saturn bhukti will be good for to start own business so indicated this period.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Saturn transit over Neptune and Remedy

Case Study SG # 143
Saturn transit over Neptune

This male native approached me via e-mail.

He narrated” Sir, due to departmental head I have to suffer from one mistake done by my sub ordinate. I am now worried for my carrier. Can you guide me?”

The birth details are as follows: 28 Oct 1976; 03-32 AM; Dadar/Mumbai; 19N01; 72E51.

 He was under Rahu/Rahu period which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (2)      Rashi-Swami Venus (3)   3 (10)  Sun-Yuti  (2)   (1)
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (2)      Rashi-Swami Venus (3)   3 (10)  Sun-Yuti  (2)   (1)
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (9)   (5) 8  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (2)   (1)

Rahu signifies 1-2-10 houses along with 1-5-9 houses indicates possibility of change in job but it is not connected to Mars hence forceful resignation is not indicated.

 This was judged during 22 Sept 2016 and Saturn antara was in progress which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 11   6 7  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (2)   2 11  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- (4)   (12)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (3)   3 (10)  

Saturn signifies 2-10 along with 3-12 houses but not connected to Mars so chances of dismissal are not seen and the period is up to 12 Dec 2016.

 Next bhukti of Mercury signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 2   2 11  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (2)   4 9  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 3   3 10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (11)   (6) (7)  

Mercury signifies 2-6-11 houses are positive for service. So till Dec 2016 native will be in tension.

But in natal chart Neptune is at Scorpio-18-52 and transit of Saturn was over Neptune degree wise till 19 Nov 2016. This transit created such situation.

 I advised him the remedy to be followed.

Take copper vessel (Kalash) and fill it completely by fresh water. Put one coin in it. Take one coconut and clean it by water and keep coconut over vessel. Keep this vessel near to puja place and apply kumkum and flowers to it and pray for betterment. Change the water and wash the coconut daily and perform pooja daily till Dec 2016.

After Jan 2017 he informed me that I have performed pooja suggested by you and now I am free from all worries. Thanks for your valuable advice.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Delayed Marriage

Case Study SG # 142
Delayed marriage

This is a post audit case sent by Mr Ashish.

The birth details of male native are as follows: 18 Feb 1981; 22-40PM; Bareilly/UP; 28N25; 79E23.
 In the chart 7th sub is Jupiter signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (12)   (3) (6)     Saturn-Yuti  (12)   4 5  Mars-Drusht  (5)   (2) (7)
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (10)   10     Sun-Drusht  (4)   (11)  Mercury-Drusht  (4)   (9) 12
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 12   4 5  Cusp Yuti: (12)       Jupiter-Yuti  12  3 6  Mars-Drusht  5  2 7
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (10)   10     Sun-Drusht  (4)   (11)  Mercury-Drusht  (4)   (9) 12

Jupiter signifies 2-5-7-11 houses indicate marriage.

 In the chart Saturn in Moon star indicate delay for marriage. Also in the chart major planets are in 4-10-12 houses also indicate delay.

 Sun dasa has not given marriage due to above factor mentioned. He was under Moon dasa which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 10   10     Sun-Drusht  4 (11)  Mercury-Drusht  4  9 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (12)   4 5  Jupiter-Drusht  (12)   (3) (6)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (4)   (11)     Mercury-Yuti  (4)   (9) 12  Moon-Drusht  (10)   10
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (5)   (2) (7)  Cusp Yuti: (5)   
Moon signifies 2-5-7-11 houses.

In the chart major planets signifies 2-7-11 houses hence Rahu bhukti may offer him marriage which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 10       Rashi-Swami Moon 10   10
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (12)   4 5  Cusp Yuti: (12)       Jupiter-Yuti  (12)   (3) (6)  Mars-Drusht  (5)   (2) (7)
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (12)   (3) (6)     Saturn-Yuti  (12)   4 5  Mars-Drusht  (5)   (2) (7)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (10)   10     Sun-Drusht  (4)   (11)  Mercury-Drusht  (4)   (9) 12

Rahu signifies 2-5-7-11 houses.

Saturn antara will be able to give marriage which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 12   4 5  Cusp Yuti: (12)       Jupiter-Yuti  12  3 6  Mars-Drusht  5  2 7
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (10)   10     Sun-Drusht  (4)   (11)  Mercury-Drusht  (4)   (9) 12
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (12)   (3) (6)     Saturn-Yuti  (12)   4 5  Mars-Drusht  (5)   (2) (7)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (10)   10     Sun-Drusht  (4)   (11)  Mercury-Drusht  (4)   (9) 12

Saturn signifies 2-5-7-11 houses especially on 3-4 steps. So marriage possibility during May 2014 but if we check transit of Saturn it was adverse and hence this period has not fructified the event.

Jupiter though signifies 2-5-7-11 houses but not on 3-4 steps.

 Hence Saturn bhukti Saturn antara has offered him marriage.

 In my opinion 7th sub should be Saturn which has given him marriage in its bhukti/antara.

 The native got married on 10 July 2016 when Moon was in Sun star.

 In such cases Ruling Planets helps us to predict.

Special thanks for Mr Ashish who has submitted nice case for study.

Your comments are welcome !!!