Friday, 29 June 2018

Birth Time Rectification

Case Study SG # 473
Birth Time Rectification

Sir, I want to cast my chart but I didn’t know exact birth time. Only I have come to know that it is morning.

The details of male native are as follows: 14 Oct 1975; Mumbai;18N58; 72E49.

This was judged on 23 June 2018; 10-20 AM; Thane.

RP were as follows: L=Leo/Sun; S=Rahu; R=Tula/Venus; D=Saturn.

During morning Kanya ascendant was rising and Mercury is not in RP hence skipped.

 Next Tula ascendant which lord Venus is in RP hence Tula ascendant is confirmed.

 In RP presence of Rahu is directly appeared hence ascendant star of Rahu is considered.

Saturn and Sun are selected as sub lord and sub-sub lord.

 By this combination birth time arrives as 07-40 AM.

 Now let us check some past events.
 In the chart 4th sub is Mars signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (8)   (2) 7  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (8)   (2) 7  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- (4)   10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   10  

Mars signifies 2-4 houses with 8th house indicate hurdles. He could not complete graduation but his education is related to engineering trade.

 In the chart 7th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 12   9 12  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)   10  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (9)   4 (5)  Cusp Yuti: (10)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (9)   4 (5)  Cusp Yuti: (10)  
Mercury signifies 5th house only indicate delayed married.

Jupiter dasa was in progress signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 6   3 6     Sun-Drusht  12  11
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (12)   9 12  
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 6   3 6     Sun-Drusht  12  11
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (12)   9 12  

Jupiter signifies 12th house only Also Mercury is conjunct with Pluto.

In the chart Venus formed evil aspects of 33 degree with Pluto indicate delay and unhappy married life.

 Jupiter dasa is up to June 2019 will not give him marriage.

Let’s hope he will get married in Saturn dasa.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Will I get Ticket for Election

Case Study SG # 472
Will I get Ticket for election?

Sir, I have solved this query as one candidate has asked me above query.

 This was judged on 01 Aug 2002; 10-30 AM; Dhamani; 18N53; 74E39.

 KP number 214 was furnished.

 I have checked 11th sub for to get ticket and it found that he will get tickect hence checked 6th sub for know whether he will win or not.

 The analysis as follows:

In the chart 11th sub is Saturn signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 4   1 12  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (6)   (3) 10     Sun-Yuti  (6)   7
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- (6)   5 (8)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (6)   5 (8)  

Saturn signifies 3-6 houses indicate that he will get ticket for election.
 In the chart 6th sub is Ketu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- 10       Rashi-Swami Mars 6   3 10
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (6)   5 (8)  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (7)   4 (9)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (6)   7     Mars-Yuti  (6)   (3) 10

Ketu signifies 6th house strongly hence win in election is seen.

So I have told him that you will get the ticket and will win in the election.

But he didn’t get the ticket for election.

Where I am wrong?

For getting ticket 3rd sub has to be judged instead of 11th sub.

 3rd sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Venus (7)   4 (9)
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (2)   6  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (7)   4 (9)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (6)   7     Mars-Yuti  (6)   (3) 10

Rahu signifies 3-6-9 houses indicate that he will get the ticket.

 But in the chart Sun and Mars is aspect by Neptune which is deceptive planet and thus result turned out negative.

 This is good example of Neptune effects.

Your comments are welcome!!!


Case Study SG # 471

Male native asked me when he will get promotion and furnished KP Number 145. 

This was judged on 16 Nov 1982; 22-00 PM; Thane; 19N12; 72E58.
 In the chart 10th sub is Venus signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 1   1 8 12     Sun-Yuti  1  10
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (12)   (4)  Cusp Yuti: (12)    
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 12   4  Cusp Yuti: (12)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (2)   2 (6) (7)  

Venus signifies 2-6 houses with connection of Mars indicate promotion.

Saturn/Mars period was in progress till July 1983 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 12   4  Cusp Yuti: (12)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (2)   2 (6) (7)  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (1)   (10)  Cusp Yuti: (1)       Mercury-Yuti  (12)   (9) (11)  Jupiter-Yuti  (12)   (3) (5)  Venus-Yuti  (1)   1 8 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (12)   (3) (5)  Cusp Yuti: (1)       Mercury-Yuti  (12)   (9) (11)  Sun-Yuti  (1)   (10)

Saturn signifies 1-2-6-10-11 houses with connection of Mars are favorable for promotion.

Itself :-------------- Mars:- 2   2 6 7  
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (1)   1 8 12     Sun-Yuti  (1)   (10)
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (12)   (9) (11)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (12)   (9) (11)

Mars signifies 1-10-11 houses.

Since ascendant is of movable sign Saturn antara was chosen and period is during Dec 1982.

 So I have predicted that you will get promotion in Dec 1982.

In actual he got promotion with transfer in Dec 1982.

Latest update: In chart Saturn-Pluto are conjunct but it has not suffered to his promotion. But he couldn’t get next promotion till next 20 years.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Friday, 22 June 2018


Case Study SG # 470

This is post audit case. The data is collected from yahoo group.

 The birth details of female native are as follows: 20 Aug 1981; 21-41PM; Hyderabad; 17N22; 78E28.
In the chart 7th sub is Mercury signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (5)   4  
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (6)   (2) (3) (7)  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 6   2 3 7  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (5)   6  

Mercury signifies 2-5-7 houses indicate marriage. Mercury in Venus star indicates earlier marriage.

 Sun dasa was in progress from Feb 2004 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 5   6  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (10)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (6)   (11) (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (5)   6  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 1   5  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (10)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (6)   (11) (12)
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (5)   6  

Sun signifies 5-11 houses.

Since ascendant is of movable sign and earlier marriage is indicated hence Sun bhukti will give the result.

 In the chart Rahu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (4)      Rashi-Swami Moon (1)   5
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (6)   (11) (12)     Jupiter-Yuti  (6)   10
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- (5)   4  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (6)   (2) (3) (7)  

Rahu signifies 2-5-7-11 house.

 Rahu antara will be able to give result and period is during March/April 2004.

 But in actual she got married in Mercury antara which is cuspal sub lord of 7th on 9 May 2004.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Higher Education

Case Study SG # 469
Higher Education

Relative of this male native approached me during March 2016. Native was desirous to go to foreign land for higher education and hence query was whether he will have higher education at foreign or not?

The birth details are as follows: 11 July 1990; 14-20 PM; Nasik; 20N13; 74E05.
 In the chart 9th sub is Sun which was in RP signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 9   11     Jupiter-Yuti  9  3 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (9)   3 6  Sun-Yuti  (9)   (11)  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   4 (5)
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- (9)   9 (12)     Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) (7)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (3)   4 (5)     Jupiter-Drusht  (9)   3 6

Sun signifies 2-6-9-11 houses are favorable for to get higher education.
I have checked 12th sub as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (8)   (1) 8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (6)   (2) (7)  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (3)   4 (5)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (4)   (10)  

Venus signifies 3-5-7 houses indicate foreign journey. 

Jupiter dasa was in progress signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (9)   3 6     Sun-Yuti  (9)   (11)  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   4 (5)
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (9)   3 6  Sun-Yuti  (9)   (11)  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   4 (5)
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (8)   (1) 8  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (6)   (2) (7)  

Jupiter signifies 9-5-2-6 houses which are favorable for education.

 The course duration was for 2 years and Venus bhukti will be in progress signifies 4-2-6-10 houses are seen earlier.

 Since ascendant is of movable sign Venus antara will give him success in examination. The period is up to April 2018.

 I have predicted that he will go to foreign for higher studies and will complete the course during April 2018.

In actual he completed his MS in May 2018.

Now next query was when he will get the job?

 Can you predict when he will get the job?

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

5-8 Houses are supportive houses for marriage

Case Study SG # 468
5-8 Houses are supportive houses for marriage

This is post audit case and data is collected from yahoo group.

The birth details of male native are as follows: 25 Oct 1951; 13-00 PM; Salem/Tamilnadu; 12N00; 78E00.

In the chart 7th sub is Rahu but Mars was in RP hence considered it which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (8)   (4) (11)  Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (8)   (5) (10)  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2

Mars signifies 5-8-11 houses indicate delayed marriage.

 Sun/Mercury period was in progress till Aug 1981 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- (9)   8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2

Sun signifies 8th house which is supportive house for marriage.

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (9)   (6) 9  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (1)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (8)   1 2
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (8)   (5) (10)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (8)   (5) (10)  

Mercury signifies 5-8 houses which are substitute for 2-7-11 houses.

 Ascendant is of movable sign hence Mercury antara can be selected. The period is from Sept to Dec 1980.

 Mars sookshma can be selected as it is cuspal sub lord and period is from 21 to 23 Oct 1980.

 In actual native got married on 24 Oct 1980.

 Here in the chart 2-7 houses are not present in DBAS and which were substituted by 5-8 houses.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Monday, 18 June 2018


Case Study SG # 467

This is post audit case which was published in yahoo group.

 The birth details of female native are as follows: 15 June 1979; 07-21 AM; Salem/Tamilnadu; 12N00; 78E00.

 In the chart 7th sub is Rahu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Sun 12   3
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Sun 12   3
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  

Rahu signifies 11-5 houses indicate marriage.

But Rahu is in Rahu sub signifies 3-12 houses are to be noted.

 Rahu in Venus star indicate earlier marriage.

She was under Jupiter/Mercury period during marriageable period till Dec 2006 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (1)   (7) (10)  Cusp Yuti: (2) aspect (8)   
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (3)   8 9  Cusp Yuti: (3)    
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Sun 12   3
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  

Jupiter signifies 2-7-5-8-11 houses.

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (12)   1 (4)  Cusp Yuti: (1) aspect (7)
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Sun (12)   3
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 12   3  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (11)   (6) 11 
Mercury signifies 7-11-5 houses.

 Author has objection as Mercury is in sub of Sun signifies 12-3 houses but still native got married in Mercury bhukti.

Due to dual sign ascendant Saturn antara selected as it signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 3   8 9  Cusp Yuti: (3)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 11   5 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (8)   (2) 

Saturn signifies 2-5-8-11 houses.

 The period is from Aug to Dec 2006.

 Venus or Sun sookshma can be selected signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 11   5 12  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (8)   (2)  
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 8   2  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (11)   (6) 11 
Venus signifies 2-8-11 houses.

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 12   3  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (11)   (6) 11  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 3   8 9  Cusp Yuti: (3)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (11)   (5) 12  

Sun signifies 11-5 houses.

 In actual native got married on 3 Nov 2006 when Moon was in Revati star ruled by Mercury.

 Sun was in Swati star ruled by Rahu.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Unmarried-Pluto Effects

Case Study SG # 466
Unmarried-Pluto Effects

The data of this chart is collected from KP e-magazine-June 2018 issue.

The birth details of the female native are as follows: 28 Feb 1966; 21-30-36 PM; Matara/Sri Lanka; 5N56; 80E32.

 In the chart 7th sub is Rahu.

This was judged by me on 17 June 2018; 09-55 AM; Thane.

 Rahu is not in RP also Mars and Jupiter are also not in RP hence considered same as Rahu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 8     Cusp Yuti: (8)      Rashi-Swami Venus 4   1 8
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (5)   (11)  
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- (5)   (9) (12)  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (5)   4 5  

Rahu signifies 5-8-11 houses indicate marriage.

But in the chart Saturn aspect Pluto thus afflicted by Pluto thus resulted in unmarried status.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Saturday, 16 June 2018


Case Study SG # 465

This is post audit case. She is wife of native’s case SG # 312. This data is collected from yahoo group. In this case Rahu has played major role.

 The birth details are as follows: 14 April 1967; 02-34 AM; Delhi; 28N40; 77E13.

In the chart 7th sub is Ketu but Venus is in RP hence considered and signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 4   4 5 9  Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (2)   8     Mars-Drusht  (8)   3 (10) (11)
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 2   6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   (1) 2  

Venus signifies 2-8-11 houses indicate marriage.

Rahu/Mercury period was in progress till May 1992 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Mars 8   3 10 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (4)   4 (5) 9  Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 4   4 5 9  Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (2)   8     Mars-Drusht  (8)   3 (10) (11)

Rahu signifies 2-5-8-11 houses. 
Rahu is in sub of Venus doesn’t signifies 2-7-11 houses was the objection raised by author.

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 2   6  
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (2)   (1) 2  
It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 2   6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   (1) 2  

Mercury signifies 2nd house.

In the chart 7th house is signified by Moon and Saturn hence Moon can be selected as antara signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (4)   (7)     Saturn-Drusht  (2)   (1) 2
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (4)   (7)     Saturn-Drusht  (2)   (1) 2
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Mars 8   3 10 11
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (4)   4 (5) 9  Cusp Yuti: (4)   

Moon signifies 2-5-7 houses and period is up to Feb 1991.

 In actual native got married in Rahu antara.

7th sub signifies 8th house and aspect of Mars hence Moon has not given result and Rahu signifies 2-5-8-11 houses are capable for event.

The native got married on 2 May 1991 when Moon was in Scorpio sign Jyeshtha star.

 Your comments are welcome!!!