Saturday 16 September 2017


From my memory chip-part-76

During April 1995 I was suffered from Angina and was admitted in hospital.

Fortunately it was not heart attack and was may be due to high B.P. I was relieved after week. Doctor has advised me to perform Stress Test after 3 months but before that he advised for walking exercise in morning.

 His instruction was to start from 20 minutes and weekly increment of 5 minutes till to reach at 50-55 minutes. This exercise was followed by me regularly. 

One week before to perform Stress Test when I was returning home from walking. I was just to enter the building one coconut from tree fall down just ahead to me. I was saved just in fraction of minutes or otherwise it would have hit to my head. 

I picked up the coconut and kept in my prayer room. I have considered it as Good Omen. I have started performing pooja of that coconut daily for about week. 

Next week I have performed Stress Test and it was normal. The result of Angina was due to high blood pressure.

 My doctor changed the line of treatment and asked me to perform exercise daily and also asked for controlled diet. 

I am following his advice and till date I have not suffered from heart trouble. 

Moral-Falling coconut in front of me was treated as good omen and it has worked perfectly. 

Your comments are welcome!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think the problem has gone far away from you as the coconut was away from it's body. Problem has gone away.
