Saturday 7 January 2017

Inter-Religion Marriage

Case Study SG # 28
Inter-religion Marriage

This chart of male native was shown by his mother during somewhere in 2011 for to know the marriage probability.

 The birth details were as follows: 05 July 1983; 19-50 PM; Chiplun; 17N32; 73E31. 

In the chart 7th sub is Sun signifies as follows :( only strong significators are shwn in bracket)

Itself :-------------- Sun:- (6)     
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (6)  (7)
It's Sub :------------ Mars:-
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (6)  (7)

Sun signifies 5th house which is supportive for marriage and also indicate love marriage. Rahu indicate inter-caste or inter-religion marriage.

 In the chart Ketu conjunct with Neptune; also Saturn is conjunct with Pluto indicate deception and heavy losses.

 I have checked 5th sub to confirm for love marriage.

Itself :-------------- Venus:-  Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (6)   8  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (6) (7)

Venus signifies 11-2-5-7-8 houses indicate love marriage but other houses indicate failure also it indicate deception due to Neptune effect.

 In the chart 1st sub is Mars which is indicating inter-religion marriage.

 He was under He was under Moon/Saturn period signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (4)    Cusp Yuti: (4)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (8)  (10)  Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)

Moon signifies 8-11-2 houses.

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 9 
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (6)     Mercury-Yuti  (6)   (7)
It's Sub :------------ Venus:-   Cusp Yuti: (8)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)

Saturn signifies 2-7-8-11 houses.

 In chart major planets indicate marriage hence Ketu selected as antara who signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (11)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   (1) (3) (12)  Saturn-Drusht  (9)   (2)

Ketu signifies 2-11-9 houses and the period is during Nov/Dec 2012.

 I have indicated this period also warned for deception found in chart.

 Later native got married in Dec 2012 with inter-religion caste but it found to be deceptive and now leading to divorce.

 This chart is afflicted by Neptune/Pluto and clutch of Rahu-Ketu. 

Your comments are welcome!!!

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