Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Job When

Case Study SG # 229
Job when

Mother of this male native approached me on 7 May 2016 for to know when her son will get the job.

The birth details are as follows: 06 June 1990; 18-26 PM; Kalwa/Thane; 19N12; 72E59.
 In the chart 10th sub is Moon. Since span of this sub is very short and it may change to Sun or Mars if birth time varies by few minutes hence I have decided to check all these three sub even though Mars was in RP.

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 7   10  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (12)   9     Mercury-Drusht  (6)   8 (11)
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    

Sun signifies 6-11 houses along with 5-12 houses indicate changes in job.

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 12   9     Mercury-Drusht  6  8 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (8)   2 5  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  

Moon signifies 1-2 houses with 8th house shows unsatisfied condition in job.

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 7   10  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (12)   9     Mercury-Drusht  (6)   8 (11)

Mars signifies 1-2-6-11 houses with 12th house.

 He was under Mercury/Venus period till Aug 2018 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (6)   8 (11)     Moon-Drusht  (12)   9
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (7)   (10)  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (4)   (1) 6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (2)   3 4  

Mercury signifies 1-2-6-10-11 houses are favorable for to get the job.

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (5)   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (6)    

Venus signifies 6th house with 5-12(by aspect) houses indicate that the native will get the job and may leave in same period.

Sun antara was up to 14 May 2016 hence not considered.

Next antara of Moon is seen earlier which signifies 1-2 houses which are favorable to get job.

 Since all dasa are of fast moving I have decided to check Sun transit which will be in Pushya star and favorable for to get the job.

I have predicted that he will get the job in Aug 2016.

In actual he joined on 1st August 2016.

 As the bhukti lord indicate change in job native left the job and his mother again approached me on 14 April 2017 to know when he will get the job.

 During this time he was under Jupiter antara till July 2017 which is not considered due to fixed sign ascendant.

 Next antara signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 2   3 4  
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (7)   (10)  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (3)    Cusp Yuti: (3)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (2)   3 4
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Moon:- (12)   9     Mercury-Drusht  (6)   8 (11)

Saturn signifies 2-6-10-11 houses and karaka planet for job.

 Again Sun transit was in Pushya star favorable hence indicated that he will get the job in Aug 2017.

 In actual he joined on 1st August 2017.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Inter-caste Love Marriage

Case Study SG # 228
Inter-caste Love Marriage

Female native approached me to know about her marriage probability.

 The birth details are as follows: 28 Aug 1982; 12-00 PM; Dombivli; 19N13; 73E05.
In the chart 7th sub is Mars which was in RP signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- 12   2 6 7  
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (12)   (3) (5)  
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 12   3 5  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   9 11

Mars signifies 5-8-11 houses indicate marriage. Rahu indicate inter-caste marriage. 5th house indicate love marriage. 8th house indicate delay.

She was under Moon/ Rahu period till Oct 2017 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (2)    Cusp Yuti: (2)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (2)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (12)   (3) (5)
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (9)   (1) 8 12  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 9   1 8 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (11)   9 11  Cusp Yuti: (11)  aspect (5)

Moon signifies 2-5-8-11 houses. Moon also conjunct with Neptune indicate delay.

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   9 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   9 11
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 9   1 8 12  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (11)   9 11  Cusp Yuti: (11)   
Rahu signifies 8-11 houses are favorable for marriage but next bhukti of Jupiter is considered as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 12   3 5  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (8)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (11)   9 11
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (11)   (4)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (12)   2 (6) (7)  

Jupiter is karaka for marriage and signifies 7-8-11 houses.

Hence Moon/Jupiter/Jupiter is considered for marriage period which will be during Dec 2017.

I have indicated this period to her.

 She had love with inter-caste male and he is younger (presence of Mercury) to her and thus there was resistance from her family especially from mother (Moon-Ketu in same sign with Neptune).

Recently she again approached me.

 Current transit of Saturn is over natal Neptune is creating some confusions hence I have asked her to wait till first week of Dec 2017 and get registered marriage at the same time.

 Also suggested remedy for Neptune.

 I wish her happy married life in advance.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Change in Job

Case Study SG # 227
Change in Job

Male native was trying hard for to change his job but was not getting success. His father is a KP follower requested me to check the matter.

 The birth details are as follows: 02 Jan 1983; 07-30 AM; Khar/Mumbai; 19N04; 72E50.

 I have not checked 10th sub as he has changed the job previously.

 I have concentrated on chain of 1-2-6-10-11 houses to get the new job and 1-3-5-9 houses for to get change during DBA.

This was judged in April 2017 when Venus dasa was just to end.

 Next dasa signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 12   9  Cusp Yuti: (1)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (1)   (5) 6 10  
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- (1)   (4) 11 12  Cusp Yuti: (2)       Moon-Drusht  (7)   (8)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (1)   (4) 11 12  Cusp Yuti: (2)       Moon-Drusht  (7)   (8)

Sun signifies 1-2 houses along with 1-5 houses.

 Sun bhukti is not considered as it has not having other favorable houses and also have dual sign ascendant.

 Next bhukti signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (7)   (8)  Cusp Yuti: (8)       Mars-Drusht  (1)   (4) 11 12
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (1)   7  
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (1)   7
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (1)   7

Moon signifies 1-2(aspect on 2nd cusp) and 1-6 houses.

 In the chart 9th house is only signified by Venus and the period will be at fag end hence chain of 9th house is not considered to select antara.

 In the chart 3rd house is signified by Rahu-Jupiter and Saturn as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (1)   7
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (1)   7
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (11)   1  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (10)   (2) (3)  

Rahu signifies 1-2-3-6-10-11 house.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- (11)   1  
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (10)   (2) (3)  
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   1  Saturn-Drusht  (10)   (2) (3)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (11)   1  Saturn-Drusht  (10)   (2) (3)

Jupiter signifies 11-10-3-2 houses.

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 10   2 3  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (1)   7
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (11)   1  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (10)   (2) (3)  

Saturn signifies 6-10-11-2-3 houses.

 Saturn is more powerful to give change in job and the period is from 9 Oct 2017 to 7 Nov 2017.

I have indicated this period to his father.

Since Sun is behind to previous dasa of Venus I have indicated change in sector or setback in carrier.

 In actual he changed the job with change in sector and joined on 5 Oct 2017 when Moon was in Saturn star.

Your comments are welcome!!!

IFCI Shares

Case Study SG # 226
IFCI Shares

Male native asked me whether I will get profit from above shares.

This was judged on 15 Nov 2006; 13-33-38 PM; Thane; KP number generated as 172.

 Rule: For short term gains we need to check 5th sub and it should signify 2-6-11 houses. 3-1-10 houses are supportive houses.

 In the chart 5th sub is Venus signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (11)   (6) 11     Jupiter-Yuti  (11)   (1) (4)
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (8)   (2) 3  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 8   2 3  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (9)      Rashi-Swami Sun (11)   9  Moon-Yuti  (9)   8
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (11)   9  

Venus signifies 11-6-2-1 houses indicate good profit from the deal.

Sun/Sun period was up to Dec 2006 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 11   9  
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11)   (1) (4)     Venus-Yuti  (11)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 11   9  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (11)   (1) (4)     Venus-Yuti  (11)   (6) 11

Sun signifies 1-6-11 houses shows gain in this dasa. Bhukti is eliminated due to dual sign ascendant.

Next bhukti signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (9)   8     Ketu-Yuti  (9)    Rahu-Drusht  (3) 
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (11)   9  
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 11   9  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (11)   (1) (4)     Venus-Yuti  (11)   (6) 11

Moon signifies 1-6-11 houses.

 For to complete chain we need 2nd house and which is signified by many planets hence nodes-Rahu selected as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Saturn 8   2 3  Moon-Drusht  9  8
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11)   (1) (4)     Venus-Yuti  (11)   (6) 11
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (11)   (6) 11     Jupiter-Yuti  (11)   (1) (4)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (8)   (2) 3  

Rahu signifies 1-2-6-11 houses and period is from 28-12-2006 to 25-01-2007.

 The native will take benefit from above period.

 Native bought immediately 2000 shares at Rs 12.60. He bought more shares within one month.

 Later share started north direction during Jan 2007 and native sold all the shares during 2nd Jan to 11 Jan 2007 thus gained huge profit.

I was very happy to note it because query was raised by me.

Your comments are welcome!!!

(Translated from my magazine-Feb 2007 issue)

Friday, 20 October 2017

Effects of Amavasya Day

From my memory chip part-76
Effects of Amavasya Day

I was working in Murphy Radio as a purchase and planning engineer.

 The company decided to launch new model and all requirements of parts were informed to us by design dept.

 Out of it wooden cabinet manufacturing was a time consuming hence it was decided to order it an early date.

 The negotiations were done and order was finalized to one party.

 The order was typed and reached to my table for signing it. Since it was on urgent basis it was to be dispatched at earliest but my astrological knowledge was not allowing me to sign the order as it was Amavasya.

 I have decided to sign it on next day. But in afternoon the said party owner reached my table and asked for the purchase order.

 I have shown him the order but it was not signed by me. I told him today is not good day to sign the order better to collect it by tomorrow.

But he was not the believer and asked me to sign it. Unwillingly I have signed the order and handover his copy to him. I was watching the planets movement.

 Next week we received order from management to cancel all orders of said new model.

 Immediately we have asked wooden cabinet manufacturer to stop the production and sent the cancellation of order. The party was suffered for it.

 I don’t know whether this was due to signing the documents on Amavasya day or not.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Cricket Match ODI between India and New Zealand

Case Study SG # 225
ODI Series between India and New Zealand

This is judged on 20 Oct 2017; 10-02-28 AM at Thane. KP number generated 33. 

The prediction is by one number for all matches with help of Moon star at play. In some cases Moon star may change during the end of play. In such case end of Moon star is considered. The houses 1-2-3-6-10-11 are favorable for favorite team but in limited over matches prime importance is given to 6-10-11 houses.

1ST match will be on 22 Oct 2017 at Mumbai and Moon will be in Anuradha star ruled by Saturn signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (7)   9 (10)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (5)   (2) 5  Cusp Yuti: (6)       Moon-Yuti  (5)   3  Jupiter-Yuti  (5)   (8) (11)
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (7)   9 (10)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (5)   (2) 5  Cusp Yuti: (6)       Moon-Yuti  (5)   3  Jupiter-Yuti  (5)   (8) (11)

Saturn signifies 2-6-10-11 houses indicate India will win the match but it will be tough.

2nd Match will be on 25 Oct 2017 at Pune and Moon will be in Moola star ruled by Ketu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- (9)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (7)   9 (10)  Saturn-Drusht  (7)   9 (10)
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (4)   7 (12)  Cusp Yuti: (5)    
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (5)   (8) (11)  Cusp Yuti: (6)       Moon-Yuti  (5)   3  Mercury-Yuti  (5)   (2) 5
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Moon (5) 
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (5)   (2) 5  Cusp Yuti: (6)  Moon-Yuti  (5)   3  Jupiter-Yuti  (5)   (8) (11)  3

Ketu signifies 2-6-10-11 houses indicate India will win the match but again very tough match.

3rd Match will be on 29 Oct 2017 at Kanpur and Moon will be in Dhanishta star ruled by Mars signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- 4   7 12  Cusp Yuti: (5)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (5)   4  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (7)   9 (10)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (5)   (2) 5  Cusp Yuti: (6)       Moon-Yuti  (5)   3  Jupiter-Yuti  (5)   (8) (11)

Mars signifies 2-6-10-11 houses indicate India will win the match.

Disclaimer: This prediction is based on to check astrological results only and should not be misused for other financial matters

Neptune/Pluto/Uranus Effects

Case Study SG # 224
Neptune/Pluto/Uranus Effects

Male native is in business and he wants to know about his business prospects.

 The birth details are as follow: 13 June 1964; 10-55 AM; Babai/MP; 22N42; 77E56.
 In the chart 10th sub is Venus and dasa of Venus was up to Nov 2015 which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 10   3 10  Cusp Yuti: (11)  Rahu-Yuti  10    Ketu-Drusht  4 
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (10)    Cusp Yuti: (11)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (10)   (2) (11)  Venus-Yuti  (10)   (3) 10
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- (9)   (5) (8)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (10)   (3) 10  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Rahu-Yuti  (10)    Ketu-Drusht  (4) 

Venus signifies 10-11-2-3 houses indicate progress in business.

 Signification of 9-5-8 indicates hurdles or business with partnership. But native could not get success in business but incurred debts.

 In the chart Jupiter aspect Neptune and Pluto indicate losses/deception which has observed.

 Next dasa is of Sun signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Sun:- 10   1  
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (9)   4 9  
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 7   6 7  Cusp Yuti: (7)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (10)    Cusp Yuti: (11)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (10)   (2) (11)  Venus-Yuti  (10)   (3) 10

Sun signifies 10-12-2-3-7 houses are favorable for gains and its free from Neptune/Pluto effects.

 But current dasa of Sun posited in 12th house from previous dasa of Venus indicate setback. Also Saturn aspect Uranus is also not favorable.

 In the chart major planets except Mercury are afflicted by Neptune-Pluto-Uranus and Rahu. Hence progress in business will be difficult.

 I have suggested some remedies to him.

 Let us hope he will have good progress in business.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Case Study SG # 223

Female native approached me for to know her married life.

 The birth details are as follows: 27 Nov 1979; 13-52 PM; Thane; 19N12; 72E58.

In the chart 7th sub is Mars which is in RP signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (6)   (2) 9     Rahu-Yuti  (6)    Ketu-Drusht  (12) 
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (7)   (1) 12  Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 7   1 12  Cusp Yuti: (7)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (9)   7     Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9

Mars signifies 2-7 houses given marriage but 1-6-12 houses indicate unhappy married life. In the chart Ketu has formed evil aspect of 74 degree with Neptune indicates that it will lead to divorce.

 She got married during Nov 2004 under Saturn/Mercury/Jupiter period. But her partner was not suitable to her and now she is willing to get divorce from him.

This was judged on 24 Jan 2017 and Saturn/Jupiter period was in progress signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 7   1 12  Cusp Yuti: (7)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (9)   7     Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 6   10 11     Moon-Drusht  12  6
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Venus:- (10)   (3) 8  Cusp Yuti: (10)   
For to get divorce we need a chain of 1-6-10-12 houses and 3-9 and Jupiter indicate legal divorce.

Dasa swami signifies 3-9-6-10 houses.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 6   10 11     Moon-Drusht  12  6
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (10)   (3) 8  Cusp Yuti: (10)    
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- 10   3 8  Cusp Yuti: (10)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (7)   (1) 12  Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9

Jupiter signifies 10-3-1-6-12 houses.

 In the chart many planets signifies 1-6-10-12 houses hence such cases Nodes gives the results and due to fixed sign ascendant I have selected Rahu antara which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 6       Rashi-Swami Sun 9   7  Mars-Yuti  6  2 9
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (7)   (1) 12  Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 7   1 12  Cusp Yuti: (7)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (9)   7     Mars-Drusht  (6)   (2) 9

Rahu signifies 6-12-1-9 houses and the period is during May 2018.

 I have indicated this period to her.

 Recently she again visited and asked to read it again. But I have remained firm after re-reading the chart.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Forein Travel

Case Study SG # 222
Foreign Travel

This case was solved by me by stellar method using RP in 1982 when I have just started learning KP Method. My prediction was correct. Now same case is solved now by 4 step theory.

 My friend was informed by company that you will have to go to UK within some months so be prepared for it. But 3-4 months were passed and company has not informed him about travel hence he asked me whether foreign travel will be there or not? And he furnished KP Number 205.

 This was judged on 25 Feb 1982; 14-54 PM; Thane; 19N12; 72E58.
 In the chart 12th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (12)   6 8  
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (2)   (7)  Cusp Yuti: (2)    
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (8)   1     Mars-Yuti  (8)   (3) (10) (11)
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (8)   (3) (10) (11)     Saturn-Yuti  (8)   1

Mercury is karaka of travel and signifies 3-12 houses shows foreign travel. 8th house indicate hurdle or delay.

 He was under Jupiter/Rahu period till May 1984 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 9   2 12  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (6)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (12)   6 8  Saturn-Drusht  (8)   1
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (12)   (4) (5) 9  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (1)       Jupiter-Drusht  (9)   2 12

Jupiter signifies 12-9-5 houses.

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 6     Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury 12   6 8  Saturn-Drusht  8  1
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (9)   2 12  
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (12)   (4) (5) 9  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (1)       Jupiter-Drusht  (9)   2 12

Rahu signifies 5-9-12 houses.

 Now to complete chain we need 3rd house which is shown by 


 Since many planets signify relevant houses we have to choose Nodes hence Ketu can be selected as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- (12)    Cusp Yuti: (12)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (9)   2 12  Mars-Drusht  (8)   (3) (10) (11)
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (1)       Jupiter-Drusht  (9)   2 12
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 1        Jupiter-Drusht  9  2 12
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (6)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (12)   6 8  Saturn-Drusht  (8)   1

Ketu signifies 3-9-12 houses and the period is June/July 1983.

 In actual he left India on 13 Aug 1983.

 He asked me whether travel will be by sea or air.

In the chart 9th sub is Sun who is in airy sign and its star lord Rahu is also in airy sign hence air travel is seen.

 He travelled by air.

Your comments are welcome!!!

When Stock Break High

Case Study SG # 221
When Stock break high?

“Sir, I have some positions in Bank of India shares and it has made high of Rs 290 and it needs to cross this level as per our technical. Can you check whether it will break the said price and if yes, when?”

 “ It’s difficult query as it has many factors involved which I think can’t be judged through astrology”

”Sir, nothing is difficult to you which I know so please try this query and I will be obliged to you”

 This was judged on 11 Nov 2014; 13-19-34 PM; Thane. KP number generated as 112.
 In the chart 11th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- 2   2 9     Saturn-Yuti  2  5 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11)   4 7     Saturn-Drusht  (2)   (5) (6)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (2)   (12)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Jupiter:- (11)   4 7     Saturn-Drusht  (2)   (5) (6)

Venus signifies 2-6-11 houses indicate that the said price will break.

 Now we have to consider when it will break and for that we need to check transit of ascendant.

 The following planets are the strong significator of the houses.

 11- Sun-Venus-Saturn.

 6- Saturn.

 2- Mars-Jupiter-Ketu.

Kumbha ascendant was just to begin hence considered it.

 I have selected Jupiter star lord and Saturn sub lord.

 The time arrives at 02-32 PM.

I have intimated this time to him.

In actual the said price hits at 2-24 PM and crossed it.

Your comments are welcome!!!

Married Life

Case Study SG # 220
Married life

Mr. Mohan was my gala owner. I was doing my business in his gala on rental basis. His income was only depends on rent and he has no other income. His wife was in service and hence he was not worried for his family. Due to above fact he becomes an alcoholic and his married life gets disturbed. One in evening there was dispute among both and wife has asked him to quit the home. He stayed in his friend’s house and visited at my home in morning.

 He asked me how will be my married life.

 KP number was 71 taken out from token box.

This was judged on 19 April 1991; 19-28 PM; Thane; 19N12; 72E58.

 In the chart 7th sub is Moon signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- 11   1  Cusp Yuti: (12)    
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (12)   6 9
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 12   6 9  Cusp Yuti: (1)       Saturn-Drusht  7  7 8
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (7)   7 (8)  Cusp Yuti: (7)       Mars-Drusht  (12)   (5) (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (12)   6 9

Moon is near the cusp of 12th and in star of Rahu who is in 6th house and also signifies 1-10 houses indicates that married life will not be good.

 He was under Rahu/Jupiter till March 1992 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 6       Rashi-Swami Jupiter 12   6 9
It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (9)   (2)  Cusp Yuti: (10)    
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 6       Rashi-Swami Jupiter 12   6 9
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (9)   (2)  Cusp Yuti: (10)  

Rahu signifies 2-10 houses.

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 12   6 9  Cusp Yuti: (1)       Saturn-Drusht  7  7 8
It's N.Swami :-------- Saturn:- (7)   7 (8)  Cusp Yuti: (7)       Mars-Drusht  (12)   (5) (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (12)   6 9
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 9   2  Cusp Yuti: (10)    
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (12)      Rashi-Swami Mercury (9)   (3) 12

Jupiter signifies 1-8-10-12 houses which are not favorable for re-union.

 Hence I have told him that till March 1992 you will not succeed in re-union.

 Since Jupiter is connected to Saturn and signifies 12th house which is 7th house of 6th house. Also Jupiter signifies 2-8 houses resulted in death of his maternal uncle who was partner of native. So native got his property which he belongs as maternal uncle has not having any issue.

 Saturn bhukti was in progress signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 7   7 8  Cusp Yuti: (7)       Mars-Drusht  12  5 10  Jupiter-Drusht  12  6 9
It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (11)   (1)  Cusp Yuti: (12)    
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 6       Rashi-Swami Jupiter 12   6 9
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (9)   (2)  Cusp Yuti: (10)    

Saturn signifies 1-7-12-2-10 houses which are 7-1-6-8-4 houses from 7th houses indicate danger to life partner and his wife expired in Nov 1992 due to cancer and native couldn’t get reunited.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

 (Translated article published in “ Nivadak KP” in Jan 1994)