Saturday 2 December 2017

Is this a Rebirth?

Case Study SG # 254
Is this a Rebirth?

One of regular client has a strong belief that his wife has taken rebirth to his sister’s relative.

Though he is not astrologer but he has got intuition that his wife will be taking rebirth  and he predicted that delivery will be at night on 13th March 2015 and it was amazingly correct.

 He asked me whether you can check this point through your knowledge.

The birth details of female native are as follows: 13 March 2015; 22-02 PM; Andheri/Mumbai; 19N07; 72E50.

 Rebirth is seen from 5th house. In the chart lord of 5 is Saturn placed in 2nd house with Moon in female sign. Saturn is in 9th house navamsha chart in exaltation. Neptune is near to 5th cusp. All these combinations indicate rebirth.

As per KP 5th sub signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (6)   1 (8)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Ketu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (10)   (3) 6  Jupiter-Drusht  (10)   (3) 6
It's Sub :------------ Venus:- (6)   1 (8)  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (5)    Cusp Yuti: (6)      Rashi-Swami Jupiter (10)   (3) 6  Jupiter-Drusht  (10)   (3) 6

Venus is in Ketu star aspect by Jupiter indicate rebirth.

Signification of 8th house may be indicating accidental death in previous birth.

 She is born in Mercury/Saturn/Saturn period and client’s wife was born on Scorpio-Jyeshtha star which is same as of this girl.

 This may prove that it is a rebirth.

Those who are more interest to study the birth details of native’s wife are as follows: 14 May 1968; 10-28 AM; Kalyan/Thane.

 She expired on 30 Sept 2009 around 12 noon at Thane when she was under Moon/Moon/Mercury period.

Your comments are welcome!!!

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