Thursday 9 February 2017


Case Study SG # 60

This person is same whose case is discussed in # 59.

The birth details are as follows: 11 April 1934; 21-42 LMT; Hyderabad; 17N22; 78E28.

 In the chart 1st sub is Jupiter and it was in RP when judged (05 Oct 2016; 17-54) who signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Jupiter:- 11   2 5  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Sun-Drusht  5  10  Mars-Drusht  5  1 6
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (5)   (1) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (5)   (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   3 4
It's Sub :------------ Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Saturn 3   3 4  Jupiter-Drusht  11  2 5
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (5)   (1) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (5)   (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   3 4

Jupiter signifies 1-3-5-10-11 houses indicate long life more than 75 years.

 He was 82 years old when it is judged and Moon dasa was in progress till June 2018 and signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Moon:- (4)   9     Mercury-Yuti  (4)   (8) 11
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (11)   (2) 5  Cusp Yuti: (11)       Sun-Drusht  (5)   (10)  Mars-Drusht  (5)   (1) (6)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- (5)   (10)     Mars-Yuti  (5)   (1) (6)  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (4)   (8) 11     Moon-Yuti  (4)   9

Moon signifies 4-8-2-10-1-6 houses which are indicating danger to life.

 Venus bhukti was in progress till Dec 2017 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Venus:- (3)   (7) (12)  
It's N.Swami :-------- Rahu:- (3)      Rashi-Swami Saturn (3)   3 4  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5
It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- (3)   3 4  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (5)   (1) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (5)   (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   3 4

Venus signifies 7-12-1-6-10-2 houses which are not favorable for longevity.

 Rahu antara was in progress till March 2017 signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Rahu:- 3       Rashi-Swami Saturn 3   3 4  Jupiter-Drusht  11  2 5
It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (5)   (1) (6)     Sun-Yuti  (5)   (10)  Jupiter-Drusht  (11)   (2) 5  Saturn-Drusht  (3)   3 4
It's Sub :------------ Mars:- 5   1 6     Sun-Yuti  5  10  Jupiter-Drusht  11  2 5  Saturn-Drusht  3  3 4
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (4)   (8) 11     Moon-Yuti  (4)   9

Rahu signifies 1-4-6-6-10 houses.

 8th house co rulers were Mercury/Rahu/Venus. 

Out of this Rahu/Venus were as antara/bhukti lord hence this period was critical for life even though his health was normal.

 In the chart 9th house (badhaka) is signified by Ketu only and its sookshma period was from 23 to 27 Jan 2017.

 In actual native passed away on 20 Jan 2017 when Moon was in Swati star Venus sign.
Saturn transit was in Scorpio/ Mercury star who is lord of 8th house.

 I pray God to rest his soul in peace.

 I salute to him for his services to astrological world.

Your comments are welcome!!!

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