Sunday 26 February 2017

Birth Time Rectification

Case Study SG # 74
Confirmation of Moon on Telephonic Talk

One of my relative called me and the conversation was as follows:

“Hello, last year you have prepared my birth chart but now I found that Moon degree is wrong. How it has happened? “

”How do you have checked the Moon position”

 ”I have seen it from Krishnamuti Ephemeris. You have shown Moon in Kumbha 29-12 but as per my calculations it should be Meena 00-30”

”I will have to check it right now as divine help is possible when query is raised, so hold on telephone and note down as per my instructions”

” Okey I will note down”

”Today date is 9 March 1970; time is 13-10 PM and judged from Mumbai. As per this data ascendant is Mithun 9-29. Today Moon is in Uttarabhadrapada star and Moon is in Meena sign. Today is Monday.Right?”

 ”Yes, right but you have not asked me my birth details”

” Don’t be in hurry, such queries can be solved with help of RP is told by our Guruji”

”But my ruling planet is Jupiter is told by one astrologer”

” Wait. Just now I have told you RP as per our system which was Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter/Moon as LSRD. Rahu is in Saturn sign and Rahu is with Sun hence Rahu and Sun will be added in RP. But those planets who are 6 or 8 or 12 th from their own sign has to be eliminated. Mercury is in Kumbha sign which is 6th from Kanya sign hence Mercury is to be eliminated from RP. As per your calculation Moon is in Jupiter sign, Jupiter star and Moon sub. But today Jupiter is retrograde and Saturn acted as starlord in RP hence it has to be considered hence your Moon sign will be Kumbha. So your Moon will be in Saturn sign, Jupiter star, Sun sub, Jupiter sub-sub i.e. Kumbha 29-12”

 “ Okey I will check my calculations again”

After some time again my relative called me and told that your calculation is correct and I have committed mistake and my Moon position is exact which is mentioned by you. Thanks for your quick reply over telephone. I appreciate your KP Method. Now I will never forget my Moon position”

 (This article is written by my Guru, Jyotindra Hasbe in A&A Magazine) 

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