Saturday 11 February 2017


Case Study SG # 62
Marriage and Transit Results

A young male native had a study of Vedic and he wants to know his marriage period.

 In his chart Venus was in 7th house so he was wishing earlier marriage.

 The birth details are as follows: 26 April 1965; 19-48PM; 17N42; 74E20.

 In the chart 7th sub is Ketu signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Ketu:- 1     Cusp Yuti: (2)      Rashi-Swami Mars 10   2 7  Saturn-Drusht  4  4 5
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (5)   (9) (12)     Mars-Drusht  (10)   (2) 7
It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 4   10     Mars-Drusht  10  2 7
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (7)    Cusp Yuti: (8)      Rashi-Swami Venus (6)   1 (8)

Ketu signifies 2-5-7-8 indicates marriage. 5-8 houses indicate delay. Also Moon Saturn was in same rashi.

 He was under Saturn dasa from Oct 1990 which signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Saturn:- (4)   4 5  
It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (7)   (3) 6  
It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 7   3 6  
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Sun:- (6)   (11)     Venus-Yuti  (6)   1 (8)

Saturn signifies 7-11-8 houses. Due to delay shown in chart and Saturn signifies 4-6 houses I have not considered its own bhukti.

 Next Bhukti signifies as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mercury:- (5)   (9) (12)     Mars-Drusht  (10)   (2) 7
It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (5)   (9) (12)     Mars-Drusht  (10)   (2) 7
It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- 1     Cusp Yuti: (2)      Rashi-Swami Mars 10   2 7  Saturn-Drusht  4  4 5
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mercury:- (5)   (9) (12)     Mars-Drusht  (10)   (2) 7

Mercury signifies 5th house which is supportive house for marriage. It also signifies 2nd house by aspect. This period is from Sept 1993 to June 1996.

 In the chart no planets signifies all 2-7-11 houses.

 To complete the chain 2nd house is required which is shown by Sun and Mars. Due to char lagna Sun has more weitage but Mars has more strength as follows:

Itself :-------------- Mars:- (10)   (2) 7     Moon-Drusht  (4)   10
It's N.Swami :-------- Venus:- (6)   1 (8)     Sun-Yuti  (6)   (11)
It's Sub :------------ Sun:- 6   11     Venus-Yuti  6  1 8
It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (1)    Cusp Yuti: (2)      Rashi-Swami Mars (10)   (2) 7  Saturn-Drusht  (4)   4

Mars signifies 2-11 houses and the period is from 8Feb 1995 to 5 April 1995.

 Now let us check transit of dasa swami.

 Dasa swami Saturn was in Rahu star/Moon sub. Since it is slow moving planet we have to judge its sub. Moon signifies 2nd house on 2 steps hence favorable. Saturn transit in Moon sub will be up to 17 Feb 1995.

 Bhuktilord Mercury was retrograde but in Moon star which never retrograde and Moon is favorable is seen earlier. This transit is favorable till 5 March 1995.

Antaralord Mars was retrograde and in Ketu star which is also not considered as retrograde. Ketu is also favorable on 2 steps and the period is up to 5 March 1995.

 So transit were favorable till March 1995 so I predicted that you will get married in first week of March 1995.

 In actual he got married in first week of March 1995 as predicted.

 Your comments are welcome!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is miraculously strange how your selected DBA gives you success !!!
